Scruffles' Devlog 3 - Winter Games Bundle and Other Stuff

Sup folks!

The 18+ Winter Games Bundle is coming to an exciting end in a couple of days, and I can't reiterate enough just how fucking amazed I am at how much of a success it was!

Part of the stretch goal was that a few devs were going to make a fun little side story/bonus episode separate from their main game. So far, we have additions from The Mithril Hourglass and Nyatd, with another expected to be released by Pookie!

Be sure to check them out in the links below!

Winter Games Bonus Renders

Winder Games Bonus Episode

Thank you all so much for helping make this happen. The point of these bundles is mostly to help spread awareness to newer/smaller devs, and this can be seen with how many new followers I've gotten over the course of this bundle's run. Seeing the success of this is absolutely mind boggling.

I can't express just how much I appreciate you all.

Now on to other things.

As with the release of Detached 0.8.0 (which will be released publicly on Monday, January 8th), all of 0.9.0 and at least a part of 0.10.0 will mostly be a sequence of events with very little actual sandbox/gameplay elements. 

And it's a part of the narrative that I have been eagerly awaiting to write going into the next Chapter of Detached's development.

0.9.0 in particular will be something that I'm looking forward to writing. It was also be much 'shorter' in terms of previous releases.

And by shorter, I mean it's only going to be 4 events long, but they're going to be big ones.

I'm really looking forward with sharing all of this with you.

Recently, I gave myself some time to actually kick back  from development for a couple days to actually play a game.

Contrary to public opinion, I actually enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077 1.0 and all of it's buggy gloriousness. I was also playing on a PS4 that was pushing 7 years old at the time (and some more when I upgraded to PS4 Pro during the Great PS5 Famine), and sounded like an jet engine breaking the sound barrier every time the title screen so much as was on screen. I never had too much of an issue playing the game myself, though the game did crash more than was acceptable, and the textures took a long-ass time to load.

Other than that, I enjoyed my time with my sleazy looking V.

So I decided to give it a go after seeing that it was a free upgrade to PS5, my saves were transferrable, and buying Phantom Liberty.

Gottdang, it's like a whole new game.

While this is what Cyberpunk 2077 should have been upon release, I'm really glad that I decided to jump back on it. I pretty much spent two days glued to the PS5, something of which I hadn't done in over half a year since the public release of Detached.

Anyways, that's all I have for now. Thanks for reading!

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