This Visual Novel is free but the developer accepts
your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the
Visual Novel.
Included files
Detached 0.13.1 - PC (11 GB)
Detached 0.13.1 - Android (1 GB)
Detached 0.13.1 - Mac (11 GB)
Detached-0.13.1-pc (COMPRESSED).7z (1 GB)
0.13.1 Update (1.9 GB)
0.13.1 Update Patch (COMPRESSED).zip (173 MB)
Detached 0.13.1 PC, Mac, Android, Patches (Mega))
Detached 0.13.1 PC, Mac, Android, Patches (G.Drive)
0.12.0 WebP Render (537 MB)