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did you work on Lessons in Love? cause i swear the games are similar

 Hi, I wanted to know how to activate the event The Spectrum that is Life. I completed the missions to activate it and the event is not activated. 

(3 edits)

There should be no ntr in this game, right? even is future still won't no ntr in this game right? 

NTR content is not planned for Detached.

Daine is much too selfish for that.


Maybe I'm blind but haven't found the Android download in either the Google drive or mega folders

It should be ready this week. Apologies about the delay!

Android is now available!


oh shit an update is out. Cool.


Bug report: Kyle momentarily changes into King in the arcade.

That's a drastic transformation.

Noted lol


just started it and already im in love

this type of schizo-vns with this artistic choice are fucking amazing

10/10 will defo have problems sleeping after playing this

gj dev

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

...i'm kinda fucked up for enjoying this game, aren't I?



Also, I appreciate it! 

Stuck on a Monday day 170 two main quests and three Sam Quest left


No matter how many days past I stay on Monday 

Apologies for the late reply.

What event was it that you were on previously, and on what day

you already helped me on your Discord you toad me I should wait for the next update because it was a Android problem I forgot to delete this post afterwards sorry


Did you read through all the quest requirements?

Some quests are interdependant.

easy way to do this is to open the dropdown on the right and left click each persons picture on the top left.
if there's anything in there, open up the profile and read through it.

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm glad to see another content release! :-)

Man the font on this page makes it almost impossible to read! :-(

It's harder then that whacky stuff in-game is!
Ever consider making this page a bit easier to read?

Deleted 87 days ago

Hi! Thank you!

Yes, 0.13.1 will be available to the public on Monday!


gg dev


I appreciate you kind words




Hy dev, it's great game. I wanna ask, will there be any futa content in future?


Thank you!

I have no plans to include futa content in Detached.

quick request for future versions could the mc get a trim for his beard


I have a tier for that on my Patreon


story is ok, i could stand it, sometimes it was even interesting, but for god sake why doing fucking SANDBOX (with useless grinding) when the story is already writen and cant be changed?

why dev want waste our time?


Consider the sandbox an artistic choice.

A lot of things you do will affect the story in some way, be it minor or major.

This includes when you do certain events.

Yes, you have main story, but the interpersonal interactions with the girls and bros are important too.


it definitely made me  do choice to close and delete game...

gl with developement.


Completely understandable. I totally get that Detached is not for everyone.


Man, you have an excellent game here. Lively and novel characters, unsettling imagery and situations, and intrigue boiling under the surface. I get the sense that there's a method to the madness, and I have my guesses which are probably wrong! And the people feel real and their failings feel real, too. And it all looks great. This game goes above and beyond what Illusion probably imagined when they built their game engines.

Some specific spoiler-free impressions: 

  • My only game criticism would be that, it looks like a sandbox but pursuing all character events is actually mandatory. But you're already making that easier in the UI with the next update.
  • Anne: Man, that word choice makes so much sense in hindsight.
  • Hanako: :(

Thank you for the kind words!

A note on the sandbox portion:

All of the characters are integral to the story on some level or another, as are the individual interactions and potential choices made within these interactions. The timing of when events are triggered also have certain consequences from dialogue variations to potential later changes.


Weird bug report before I forget. In version 0.10.0, I have now seen the Sam event "Pornographic Visual Representation" a second time. I first saw it a number of in-game days ago, and I think it was just on its own. This time on Monday morning, I saw the main event "Hide and Seek" for the first time and then PVR a second time.

What might be relevant is, I'm pretty sure the first time I saw PVR I had 20 Hanako affection but had not resolved either version of "I Trust You" at the time. "Hide and Seek" played out the branch with "I Trust You". I checked my older save files and can confirm that I saw "PVR" without seeing "Hide and Seek". The story made perfect sense that time, though, and I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary back then.


Hanako's affection requirement is an arbitrary requirement for "Hide and Seek," as it is set to play depending on her affection levels, and not whether "I Trust You" has been played,

As for having played "PVR" as a standalone event, that's heckin' weird as I don't have any triggers that would start that event in an point except following "Hide and Seek."

Thank you for pointing this out though. I shall look into it. :)


Will there be impreg?


I don't really have an answer for that at this moment.

It all depends on future narrative and if it would make sense from a literary point.

Pregnancy solely as fetish content will not be in Detached however, though the fetish side of it might be explored narratively if the subject comes up.

This will be true for any and all fetishes that may or may not make an appearance in Detached.

(1 edit)

Fair warning: ThatDerp1 asks that exact question, often with that exact wording, on virtually any VN or game they look at.  They're definitely asking about maieusophilia content.  (Just click on the username.)

Eh, it's cool. I don't ick other people's yum.


a little late but very good update as always 👍 


Thank you!


Hi! I'm running into an error when attempting to run the game on a Mac. Full error below. When I navigate to .../autorun/game/track, I do not see a folder named "covers". The "track" folder only contains a file named "Put Music Files Here". Maybe this folder is supposed to be generated and it isn't?

Thanks in advance!


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/manualtracks.rpy", line 5, in script

    init python:

  File "game/manualtracks.rpy", line 7, in <module>

    import ost

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/private/var/folders/4f/4mrcm_hj7056n7fpq02hr7xm0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/269F4791-9DCC-4D3A-88AE-84A31DAA0CC0/d/'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/manualtracks.rpy", line 5, in script

    init python:

  File "/private/var/folders/4f/4mrcm_hj7056n7fpq02hr7xm0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/269F4791-9DCC-4D3A-88AE-84A31DAA0CC0/d/", line 823, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "/private/var/folders/4f/4mrcm_hj7056n7fpq02hr7xm0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/269F4791-9DCC-4D3A-88AE-84A31DAA0CC0/d/", line 1178, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/manualtracks.rpy", line 7, in <module>

    import ost

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1007, in _find_and_load

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 986, in _find_and_load_unlocked

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 664, in _load_unlocked

  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 627, in _load_backward_compatible

  File "/private/var/folders/4f/4mrcm_hj7056n7fpq02hr7xm0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/269F4791-9DCC-4D3A-88AE-84A31DAA0CC0/d/", line 876, in load_module

    exec(code, mod.__dict__) # type: ignore

  File "python-packages/", line 660, in <module>

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/private/var/folders/4f/4mrcm_hj7056n7fpq02hr7xm0000gp/T/AppTranslocation/269F4791-9DCC-4D3A-88AE-84A31DAA0CC0/d/'

macOS-10.16-x86_64-i386-64bit x86_64


detached 0.10.0

Tue Apr  9 07:38:38 2024



Apologies about the late reply.

That's odd that it's trying to pull that code, as it's currently not even in use.

I suggest trying to delete the manualtracks.rpy/rpyc and music_screen.rpy/rpyc. That should fix it.

In the next update, I'll have it completely removed so as to avoid this issue until it's ready to fully implement.


Thank you, that worked! I've been looking to try this game for a while.


Excellent. I'm glad that I could help. :)


Sorry to bother,can you provide another download link besides the itch download,like or something else?

My web kept broke down when downloading this game through itch,and it's such a shame to be stopped like this,given how amazing the game looks……

(1 edit)

Oh, there's absolutely no bothering to be had! Thanks for showing interest in Detached!

I actually provide external links in my update posts:


The download is successful, thank you for help!


That was one hell of a ride  !  Utterly mesmerizing . I rarely have been so invested in a VN like this . Keep up the amazballs work ! 


is this the end of chapter 1 ? 

 and the game is so 🔥 I couldn't concentrate on my studies until I finished it the story is so good I hadn't have such experience since playing eturnum good jo


Oh dang, that's a hell of a compliment! Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much thus far.

Yes, this is end of Chapter 1. Chapter 2 will begin automatically upon booting up 0.10.0 when it's released.

I do suggest rolling back to just before the Chapter 1 End screen and saving there for a seamless transition to Chapter 2.


good luck


Any hint on how to complete the Audrey event  " Widow " ? 


Any character event that doesn't have a hint attached to its name, "Widow" included, plays automatically following another event.


Yo bro is there a difference on phone and pc because how the hell is phone 700mb and pc is 7gb that is a big cut


The only differences the Android version has is compression and some additional inconsequential QoL features for ease-of-use on smaller screens.


"If you are playing this game on purpose do so with caution"
What if I'm playing it by accident? 🤔


is there NTR?



(1 edit)

Is that totless in the gam,e? The purple hair chick with the skull in her hair.


I had to Google that because I had no idea what you were talking about bahaha.

Nope, just a huge coincidence!

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)



She really do.


DX oh gawd




anne <3



Could you please include a 32 bit exe launcher too for potato PC's on next release?


Unfortunately I am using Ren'Py 8.1.0, which doesn't have support for 32bit.



Honestly it looks like it’s going to be awesome, it’s clear that a lot of thought is going into the game and it’s story, and it’s not going to be just another tiddy waifu game. What I’ve read both of the character dialogues and the previews of gameplay have all been very well done. 

(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

I'm already very invested in this story, even this early in development. Love the personalities of all the characters, and the writing is superb. Looking forward to more content, both grim and spicy.


hey I love your game and your art style and your dialogue. , I really fucking  wish I could shave that goat off of Diane’s  face though. Too much attention drawn to that dark big patch of shit on his chin when I look at this guy. Aside from that though my favourite character is Anne! I want her to step on me so bad. I wish there was a scene where she could shrink people and squish them like a bug. Maybe in a future OVA episode. 


Ayo my man this shit hit different dawg the writing, Characters and the music. all good choses my dude. the only problem i have is that im too invested now and imma have to wait for the next update but ill be patient quality of quantity always.

Good Shit dude!!!


I appreciate it!


Only issue is his goatee 


Real who allowed that


Unfortunately he likes it.